Healthy contact lens wear in Ede

You want the best care for your eyes. If you’re looking for a specialist in Ede to check your eyes, Visser Contactlenzen is the perfect place for you. Visser Contactlenzen offers eye measurements and advice about the right contact lenses for your eyes.

The health of your eyes

A good eye check-up is very important for your health and well-being, so it is important to visit a professional optometrist in Ede. The specialists at Visser Contactlenzen in Ede are perfectly placed to find the best solution for your eyes, including when fitting lenses on medical grounds.

Visser Contactlenzen Ede Eyescan

Perfect eye care in Ede

Make an appointment with one of our specialists in Ede and experience the feeling of wearing contact lenses comfortably and safely.

Specialists in Ede – Eyescan Oogzorgkliniek

The following specialists can help you achieve perfect vision with contact lenses in Ede – Eyescan Oogzorgkliniek.

Route and parking Visser Contactlenzen Ede

  • The Ede branch has a free parking lot.

  • Plan the current route via Google Maps.

  • Eyescan Ede is easy to reach by public transportation. Check the website for current travel information.

Visser Contactlenzen

The best solution, the best care